Technical Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Common error messages and solutions
  2. Error code 301 solutions

Common error messages and solutions

A small number of our customers are experiencing technical difficulties when using our online builder. 95% of page errors such as 404 errors, 2038 upload errors, Java errors, and other security & compatibility issues are able to be resolved on your own by following the instructions below.

1. Make sure you are using a web browser that supports

The following internet browsers are supported on personal computers:

Windows PC
  • Internet Explorer 9, 8, 7, 6
  • Firefox 3.0 and above
  • Safari 3.0 and above
  • Chrome 5.0 and above
Apple Mac
  • Firefox 3.6 and above
  • Safari 4.1.3 and above
  • Chrome 4.0 and above

Click here for details.

2. Clear your browser's private data, cache & cookies
For Internet Explorer users
  1. Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu.
  2. In the General Tab > Browsing History section, click "delete".
  3. Cache is removed by clicking delete files from the "temporary internet files" section.
For Firefox users
  1. Select "Clear Private Data" from the "Tools" menu
  2. Check all, but the "saved passwords"
  3. Click on the "Clear Private Data Now" button
3. Adjust security settings & pop-up blockers in your browser
  • adjust your security settings to the "Default" or "Medium" level for your browser.
  • Add to the list of trusted sites.
  • Disable any pop-up blockers in your browser or add as an exception to pop-up blockers.
4. Restart your computer

If your computer is acting sluggish or programs are failing to run, you may need to turn off your computer and restart it. Restarting your computer essentially clears your computer's memory and starts it up fresh. You may also require to restart your computer after installing updates or other software in order to complete an installation or update.

If you are continuing to experience a complication while using our site after performing the steps listed above, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Team at [email protected] for further assistance.

Error code 301 solutions

Error 301 may occurred when you use chrome to browse to pages and it can be solved very easily by following steps below

Solution 1:
Step 1: In Google Chrome web browser, click on the wrench icon located to the top right.
Step 2: Choose Options, from the drop down menu.
Step 3: A new Google Chrome Tab with web browser's personal settings will open, choose Under the Hood.
Step 4: Under the Privacy, click on Content Settings.
Step 5: From the new menu, listed under Cookies,choose All Cookies and site data.
Step 6: Clear the cookies and other data, click on Remove All button.
Step 7: Close the settings tab completely. Restart the Google Chrome web browser.

Solution 2:
Step 1: Right click on your time on the Windows Taskbar and select Adjust date/time.
Step 2: Click on Internet Time.
Step 3: Click on change settings and make sure it's set to and then press Update Now.
Step 4: Manually adjust the date of your calendar to today's date and adjust the time to todays time.
Step 5: Close Chrome and re-open it and reload the webpage that was having the issue.